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Goodbye, Dr Banda

An insight into Malawi’s most controversial politician and President. Goodbye, Dr Banda by Alexander Chula is a fascinating read for those who know or want to get to know Malawi.

Pam on Mission

As part of Pam's work she is involved in Northern Ireland's largest Christian conference, New Horizon. During the conference this year Premier Christian Radio broadcast live each afternoon, interviewing…

For the love of Nsima

Every culture has its own national food. In Ireland we are known for, and genuinely enjoy, potatoes. Even though our national food is not indigenous to this island,…

SU Children’s Rally

Children gathered under the trees for the Lilongwe Children’s Rally, May 3014. Part of SU’s ministry to children is to run Saturday rallys, where a number of schools will gather…

Teaching Teachers

This week saw the beginning of a six week course at a local teacher training college in Lilongwe. Scripture Union have been invited to deliver a course on how to…