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Teaching Teachers

This week saw the beginning of a six week course at a local teacher training college in Lilongwe. Scripture Union have been invited to deliver a course on how to establish and run Bible Clubs in primary schools to over 100 students who will soon be completing their first year of studies and going out into rural schools for teaching practice for their complete second year.

Emmanuel Teacher Training College was established in 2003 by the Evangelical Association of Malawi and is the first private college for the training of student teachers. The college is a christian college and trains students to become qualified teachers in rural schools throughout the country. Scripture Union sees Bible Clubs in these primary schools as a core ministry activity to make the good news of the gospel known to boys and girls.

The Emmanuel Teacher Training College campus in Area 43, Lilongwe.

Over the six weeks the students will look at how to run a Bible Club, how to work with children in a Bible Club setting, the value and importance of camps and rallies, and what it means to be a teacher of integrity. I have the privilege of teaching four of these lessons, right through to 3rd July.

Our first lesson was yesterday (Thursday 29 May) and we had around 70 students in attendance. Although it is a compulsory course, those students who couldn’t afford to pay their fees have been asked by the college not to return until their outstanding fees are paid. Hopefully we will be up to full complement next week.

Students attending week 1 of Scripture Union’s course on Bible Clubs.

As far as first classes go, it was quite encouraging. The students engaged with the information delivered regarding Scripture Union’s values and methods of working with children. It is hoped that this foundation lesson will inspire the students to consider seriously their opportunities to run Bible Clubs for primary school children.

Please pray for these student teachers as they go through this course, that they will catch a vision of what God can do through Bible Clubs to transform the lives of children. Pray also that they will settle in well to their new teaching practice posts in September. Pray for Amon Chanika and myself as we co-ordinate and teach this course.