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A walk on the wild side!

This morning on my Facebook feed I got a photo memory from July 2016. The memory told me that it was 7 years today when my mum and I went on safari in Liwonde National Park. She had travelled over to Malawi (on her own) to help Pam and I out for a couple of weeks due to Pam’s severe pregnancy illness (hyperemesis gravidarum). This sickness had led to Pam being medi-vaced out of Malawi to South Africa. Mum took it upon herself to book her own flight and travel all the way to Lilongwe. She had an horrendous journey with flights being cancelled and then lost luggage, but she made it safely and we valued her help.

Towards the end of her time with us we suggested she go on a safari, as she hadn’t gone on one the first time she visited. She was excited to do it and off we went to Mvuu Camp. This was the first holiday that I had been on with my mum since I was a child and we got on like a house on fire. We shared meals together, went on game drives and a river safari, as well has laughs on the road getting to the national park. We got to see so much and forget about the ‘real’ world for two days.

I guess this memory is poignant because of the good relationship I have had with my parents (my sister has always described me as the golden child – I refute that as I was a naughty as any other child). I am thankful for my parents and what they provided for me. I knew a safe home and encouragement to pursue my interests. My dad was the one who travelled with me to England and university in 1997 and was always the one to call on the landline of the halls of residence. Being involved at the heart of church life we were always first to arrive and last to leave, moving chairs and brushing floors. I knew my dad and mum as my Sunday School teachers and grew in faith because of their faithfulness. As Proverbs 22:6 says,

Train up a child in the way he should go;
even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6

I did not appreciate their faithfulness to me while growing up, but I look back now with a deeply grateful heart. My father died in 2008 and never got to travel to Malawi to see our life there (nor did he have the opportunity to meet Pam), but Mum thoroughly enjoyed her times in Malawi and has been a great encouragement to us on the mission field and in ministry in Annalong.

Monday Malawi Memories recaptures memories from over 20 years in Malawi. Photos won’t be in chronological order and can be on the Lilongwe Letters blog, and my Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts. You can also find them using the hashtag #mondaymalawimemories.

Visit my Instagram page to see the collection of photos memories at You can listen to the sounds of Africa on my playlist. Listen and follow links to music streaming services at

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