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Kande Delights | Monday Malawi Memories

The place I have visited the most in Malawi is Kande, on the northern lake shore. About 3km from the main tarmac road between Dwangwa and Chinteche you will find a hidden gem. Known more as an overland stop for 18-30s trucking it through Africa, the southern stretch of this shore line is potted with dugout canoes, fishing nets and drying racks. At night all you see is the lanterns of the boats in the water and the sound of hollow wood as the fishermen bang their canoes to attract the fish into their nets.

It is here that Scripture Union has a camp site. Bought in 1998, the site contains three accommodation cottages, a community hall with kitchen and direct access to the beach. Hundreds, if not thousands, of young people have visited this site for camps and retreats, hearing the good news of the gospel and growing in their faith.

But it is also a place of training. Groups of leaders have gathered here to learn how to lead camps and communicate the gospel to children. Scripture Union’s own team of writers use the site as their base for the annual Writer’s Workshop as they work together in writing daily Bible notes in Chichewa and Timbuka.

It is a place of fun and deep conversation, a place where a small number of people from Northern Ireland have had the privilege to spend time, and it is a place with a vision to see young people grow in Christ and live well for him.

Monday Malawi Memories recaptures memories from over 20 years in Malawi. Photos won’t be in chronological order and can be on the Lilongwe Letters blog, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. You can also find them using the hashtag #mondaymalawimemories.

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